Guest and client transportation

In just a few clicks, your guest or client will be in a taxi and ready to go. Our Web Booker makes booking a cab for clients easier than ever.
Receptionist booking a taxi for a guest on the FREENOW online Web Booker

Book business taxis & black cabs for clients

Book guest transportation with a single click

Order taxis & black cabs for guests with a tap on your desktop, phone, tablet or on your Taxi Butler device.

You’ll receive a notification when the car is on its away and when it arrives.
A receptionist booking a taxi for a client on a computer tablet.
Taxi drivers hands on car wheel with mobile phone in holder with the FREENOW logo on the screen and an icon with coins popping out.

You choose who pays

You don’t need to foot the bill for every guest. You choose who pays when booking. Set up a company account to centralise payments for rides you’re paying for.

Stay in control of travel expenses.

Taxis & black cabs for all guests, all industries

Companies across every industry love our Web Booker and reliable taxi service. If you receive a lot of guests, make booking taxis and cabs fast and easy. Your whole team will thank you for it.
Receptionist speaking to guest at desk and ordering a taxi on their computer using the FREENOW Web Booker

Trusted by +15,000 businesses

Which solution is right for you?

Need taxis for your employees and guests? Try our business travel solution. Just need taxis for guests? Learn more about client travel with FREENOW for Business.