FREENOW Drivers Anti-Abusive Behaviours PolicyFREENOW Drivers Anti-Abusive Behaviours Policy
1 Purpose
At FREENOW we stand against any form of harassment, abuse and assault, as outlined in our Code of Conduct.
In line with this principle, acts such as physical or sexual assault, verbal or sexual harassment, abduction, threat, intimidation and stalking perpetrated by drivers towards our employees will not be tolerated.
The purpose of this policy is to define standards of behaviour expected by independent drivers registered or willing to be registered in the FREENOW platform, as well as sanctions in case of violation.
2 Scope
The Drivers Anti-Abusive Behaviour Policy applies to:
- Independent Taxi or PHV Drivers registered in the FREENOW platform
- Independent Taxi or PHV Drivers in the onboarding phase (i.e., in the process of being registered in the FREENOW platform)
Both categories hereinafter referred to as “the Driver” or “the Drivers”. Group employees include employees of Intelligent Apps GmbH (the “Company”) or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries (the “Group” and each a “Group Company”) and other individuals performing work for the Group or on its behalf (e.g., interns, working students, temps).
3 Abusive Behaviours
Our group of employees have the right to undertake their work free from aggression, abuse or unacceptable behaviour and we expect them to be treated with courtesy and respect, at all times. Aggressive, abusive or unacceptable behaviour may include:
- Threats of physical harm or actual physical harm;
- Behaviour or language (verbal or written) that may cause our group of employees to feel offended, afraid, threatened or abused such as threats, verbal abuse, shouting, obscene/derogatory remarks and rudeness;
- Insulting or degrading language or acting in a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic manner, making disablist comments or other harassments based on personal characteristics;
- Personal grudges toward our group of employees;
- Making serious allegations against staff without any evidence.
Note that this list of unacceptable behaviours is not exhaustive and there may be other situations that would fall under the scope of this policy.
4 Managing violations
If we feel that a driver’s behaviour is unacceptable, aggressive or abusive, we may take any of the following actions, among others:
- Restrict or suspend the driver’s access to FREENOW app for a limited period of time;
- Suspend the driver’s access to FREENOW app permanently;
- Report incidents to the police and other competent authorities (e.g. Transport for London, if violence has been threatened); and/or
- Take any other action that we consider appropriate.
If the independent driver committing the abusive behaviour is in the onboarding phase (i.e. is in the process of being registered in the FREENOW app), we also reserve the right not to admit such driver to the platform.
Additionally, FREENOW has an internal process to make the relevant decisions about the sanctions in case of violations of this policy. In making our decision, we may consider:
- How the driver’s behaviour affects our group of employees;
- How the driver’s behaviour affects the individual (including their personal circumstances and any reasonable adjustments);
- The extent to which we are able to engage or assist our group of employee;
- The extent to which the process or subject matter has been exhausted.
5 Roles & Responsibilities
You as the Driver must comply with the relevant regulations and policies that FREENOW may implement from time to time.
If you do not do so, FREENOW may restrict, suspend or terminate the provision of its services to you.
6 Drivers Anti-Abusive Behaviour Policy
This document and this Policy therein, applies to Drivers, and sets out the policy and procedures of FREENOW against abusive behaviours. However, anybody associated with the Driver who behaves in a way described in this policy, or who becomes aware of it and does not report it, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Valid from 27 March 2023