Check out some of the offers available exclusively for FREENOW driver-partners.
We have partnered up with Zego to ensure FREENOW driver partners can access competitive taxi insurance prices.
Save up to 12% on taxi insurance when you choose a Sense policy.
For just €99.99 per year AA Ireland will cover FREENOW driver partners vehicles for breakdown and rescue anywhere in Ireland.
For more information and to sign up call Adam at the AA on 01 6179377 or email
FREENOW driver-partners can avail exclusive discounts at Samsung across a wide range of Samsung products, including smartphones, TVs and tablets.
Follow the link below to check out all the amazing offers available. The discount will be automatically applied once you visit the online store following the link below.
We have negotiated a super-low rate of just 1.39% on card transactions through SumUp. FREENOW covers the cost of card transactions via our App - so this applies to card payments you take directly from passengers.
We have partnered up with Zego to ensure FREENOW driver partners can access competitive taxi insurance prices.
Save up to 12% on taxi insurance when you choose a Sense policy.
For just €99.99 per year AA Ireland will cover FREENOW driver partners vehicles for breakdown and rescue anywhere in Ireland.
For more information and to sign up call Adam at the AA on 01 6179377 or email
FREENOW driver-partners can avail exclusive discounts at Samsung across a wide range of Samsung products, including smartphones, TVs and tablets.
Follow the link below to check out all the amazing offers available. The discount will be automatically applied once you visit the online store following the link below.
We have negotiated a super-low rate of just 1.39% on card transactions through SumUp. FREENOW covers the cost of card transactions via our App - so this applies to card payments you take directly from passengers.