Business Travel

A guide to achieving sustainable transport solutions for business

Sep 11, 2024
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The amount of carbon emissions your company produces matters. Being conscious of sustainable transport solutions could boost your business's ability to reduce CO2. 

Let's delve into sustainable transport solutions for your business. We'll uncover secrets to slashing carbon emissions, reducing traffic jams and revolutionising the way your business moves.

What is sustainable transport in business travel?

Regarding business travel, sustainable transport means ditching high-consuming vehicles and embracing eco-friendly alternatives that minimise environmental impact while maximising efficiency.

It doesn’t matter if your preference is for electric vehicles and public transit or bike-sharing programmes and remote working. Whichever works best for you, sustainable transport is all about prioritising low-carbon, resource-efficient modes of transportation.

Sustainable transport in the UK: initiatives and solutions

Many governments are ramping up their transport policies to offer more sustainable means of transport and deter non-eco-friendly ones. The UK Government is no exception. Their policies range from electric trains, trams and buses to Clean Air Zones (CAZ) that discourage high-emission vehicles.

If you’re wondering how your company can get on board with sustainable transport, then here are some initiatives and solutions available to you in the UK:

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Grants and Incentives — The UK Government offers grants and incentives to businesses for purchasing electric vehicles (EVs) and installing EV charging infrastructure. These incentives encourage businesses to transition their fleets to low-emission vehicles, reducing carbon emissions from transportation.

  • Tax Incentives — Businesses can benefit from tax incentives for investing in sustainable transport solutions, such as electric vehicles, bicycles for employees and public transport subsidies. These incentives help businesses reduce the costs associated with traditional transportation methods while promoting environmentally-friendly alternatives.

  • Travel Planning Support — The Government provides guidance and support to businesses who develop sustainable travel plans This includes strategies for promoting walking, cycling, carpooling and telecommuting amongst employees. Eco-friendly plans help businesses reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and encourage more sustainable commuting options.

  • Funding for Sustainable Transport Projects — Funding opportunities are available for businesses to invest in sustainable transport projects. The projects can include bike-sharing schemes, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and public transport improvements. These funds enable businesses to implement innovative solutions that promote sustainable travel to their employees and customers.

  • Clean Air Zones (CAZ) — The UK Government has implemented Clean Air Zones in certain cities to improve air quality by discouraging the use of high-emission vehicles. If your employees need to travel within these zones, consider adopting an eco-friendly business travel provider like FREENOW. Through FREENOW’s super mobility app, your employees have access to a wide range of sustainable ground transport to get them around the city.

5 tips on how to improve sustainability in business travel

  • Embrace Remote Meetings and Teleconferencing

Opt for remote meetings and teleconferencing instead of travelling to distant locations. Video conferencing tools enable face-to-face interactions without the need for carbon-intensive travel, reducing emissions and saving time and resources.

  • Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodation

Select hotels and accommodations that prioritise sustainability initiatives. Look for eco-certifications like LEED or Green Key to ensure your lodging aligns with your sustainability goals.

  • Encourage Sustainable Transportation

Encourage employees to use sustainable transportation options. co-friendly carsharing services, public transit, cycling or walking are great choices. Provide incentives or subsidies for using eco-friendly modes of transport. Consider offering bike-sharing memberships, public transit passes or a super mobility app like FREENOW.

  • Offset Carbon Emissions

Invest in carbon offsetting projects or purchase carbon credits to offset you business’s carbon emissions. This helps mitigate your business travel’s environmental impact by supporting initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere.

  • Reduce Paper Usage and Opt for Digital Solutions

Minimise paper usage by opting for digital alternatives whenever possible. Use electronic tickets and boarding passes, digital receipts and mobile apps for expense management and documentation. Embrace digital signatures and online document-sharing platforms to reduce printing and mailing paper documents. FREENOW’s business travel solution offers digital receipts, for instance. After taxi trips, your employees won't need to ask for paper receipts. 

By implementing these tips, you can significantly reduce the environmental footprint made by your company’s travel activities. At the same time, you’re demonstrating your commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Benefits of sustainability in business operations

We realise that sustainability in business can entail a major investment in time and energy. Is it worth it?

Here’s another look at the benefits of sustainability for your business:

  • Cost savings through energy efficiency and resource optimisation

  • Enhanced brand reputation and customer loyalty

  • Improved employee morale, retention and productivity

  • Reduced environmental impact and carbon footprint

  • Access to new markets and business opportunities

  • Compliance with regulations and legal requirements

  • Resilience to climate-related risks and disruptions

  • Innovation and competitive advantage through sustainable practices

  • Positive impact on local communities and stakeholders

  • Long-term viability and business continuity

Illustrating sustainability in business: examples and case studies

Here are three examples of the benefits of sustainability in business:

  • Cost Savings and Efficiency: IBM implemented a comprehensive sustainable travel programme aimed at reducing costs and environmental impact. By promoting telecommuting, video conferencing and virtual collaboration tools, IBM reduced its annual travel expenses by $50 million while decreasing its carbon footprint.

  • Brand Reputation and Stakeholder Engagement: Salesforce, a leading cloud-based software company, has integrated sustainability into its business travel policies and practices. By prioritising sustainable transportation options, Salesforce has enhanced its brand reputation as a socially responsible organisation. The company's commitment to sustainability has also lead to increased stakeholder engagement and loyalty.

  • Environmental Impact Reduction: Multinational consumer goods company, Unilever, implemented a sustainable travel programme to reduce its carbon emissions and environmental impact. By incentivising employees to use public transportation, carpooling and telecommuting, Unilever reduced its business travel-related emissions by 11% in just one year.

Want to read some more about sustainable corporate mobility? Check out our blog: What is Sustainable Corporate Mobility?

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